Corpus Exploitation Interface for Mapudüngun
[a project]
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Corpora available on this server
A Grammar of Mapuche [Ineke Smeets] md-en EN
A Grammar of Mapuche [Ineke Smeets] md-en MD
A Grammar of Mapuche [Ineke Smeets] md-es ES
A Grammar of Mapuche [Ineke Smeets] md-es MD

CQPweb v3.2.42 © 2008-2020   You are not logged in

If you publish results obtained at these corpus, please cite them this way:

Chandía, Andrés. IECMap (Corpus exploitation interface for Mapudüngun): A Grammar of Mapuche by Ineke Smeets. <> [aaaa/mm/dd (date accessed)]

Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) [Please follow the link and read the conditions].